Spagetti Napisano 9 Listopada 2020 Udostępnij Napisano 9 Listopada 2020 Nick*:Spagetti IP / Steam ID*: Admin banujący:kej dzej Data i godzina otrzymania bana*:12;40 Runda: Serwer*:Csowicze 1vs1 Powód: niby wh hah Link do demka*: Wycinek z konsoli*: Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (weapon_max_before_cleanup) Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (weapon_auto_cleanup_time) Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (sv_bumpmine_detonate_delay) Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (sv_bumpmine_arm_delay) Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (sv_breachcharge_arm_delay) Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (sv_breachcharge_fuse_max) Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (sv_breachcharge_fuse_min) Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (sv_breachcharge_delay_max) Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (sv_breachcharge_delay_min) Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (sv_breachcharge_distance_max) Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (sv_breachcharge_distance_min) Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (cl_grenadepreview) Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (snd_max_pitch_shift_inaccuracy) Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (steam_controller_haptics) Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (mp_endmatch_votenextleveltime) Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (mp_verbose_changelevel_spew) Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (cl_remove_old_ugc_downloads) maxplayers set to 64 V8 Version: 5.8.283 FcConfigAppFontAddDir d:\inkscape\nowy folder\steamapps\common\counter-strike global offensive\csgo\panorama\fonts\ took 58.538 ms. Error: Localization key value exceeds MAX_LOCALIZED_CHARS. Problem key: SFUI_HowToPlay_TacticsContents Error: Localization key value exceeds MAX_LOCALIZED_CHARS. Problem key: SFUI_HowToPlay_TacticsContents CUiComponent_OptionsMenu::CUiComponent_OptionsMenu Steam config directory: D:\Inkscape\Nowy folder\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\platform\config ChangeGameUIState: CSGO_GAME_UI_STATE_INVALID CSGO_GAME_UI_STATE_INTROMOVIE --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_item_bg --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_item_bg_highlight --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_item_sel_bg --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_item_pickup_bg --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_preview_bg --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_bottom_bar_button_bg --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_bottom_bar_button_highlight_bg --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_default_dialog --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_backpack_bg --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_backpack_bg_highlight --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_backpack_bg_highlight --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_discount_corner --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_preview_bg --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_tooltip_bg --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_tab_selected --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_tab_unselected --- Missing Vgui material vgui/btn_econ_blue --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/button_econ_blue_over --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_backpack_bg --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_backpack_bg_highlight --- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_backpack_bg_highlight Unknown command "cl_thirdperson" Unknown command "tr_best_course_time" Unknown command "tr_completed_training" Unknown command "weapon_accuracy_logging" Elapsed time: 0.00 seconds **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Restart' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback' **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Back' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback' **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Pause' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback' **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Slow' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback' **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Play' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback' **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Fast' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback' **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Next' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback' Unknown command "cl_teamid_min" Unknown command "cl_teamid_max" Unknown command "cl_teamid_overhead" Can't use cheat cvar cl_teamid_overhead_maxdist in multiplayer, unless the server has sv_cheats set to 1. NET_CloseAllSockets SDR network config fetch first attempt failed. HTTP 504. . Trying again. Unknown command "cl_thirdperson" Unknown command "tr_best_course_time" Unknown command "tr_completed_training" Unable to initialize DirectSoundCapture. You won't be able to speak to other players. Unknown command "weapon_accuracy_logging" Resource materials\panorama\images\icons\ui\globe.svg failed to load. Elapsed time: 0.00 seconds Unable to initialize DirectSoundCapture. You won't be able to speak to other players. Telling Steam it is safe to update the app Got SDR network config. Loaded revision 283 OK Performing ping measurement RelayNetWorkStatus: avail=Attempting config=OK anyrelay=Attempting (Performing ping measurement) AuthStatus (steamid:76561199102171253): OK (OK) Relay pww#82 ( is going offline in 412 seconds PNG load error Interlace handling should be turned on when using png_read_image Host_WriteConfiguration: Wrote cfg/config.cfg --- Missing Vgui material vgui/..\vgui\maps\menu_thumb_default --- Missing Vgui material vgui/..\vgui\maps\menu_thumb_default_download ChangeGameUIState: CSGO_GAME_UI_STATE_INTROMOVIE CSGO_GAME_UI_STATE_MAINMENU CCSGO_BlurTarget - Unable to find panel with the given id "CSGOLoadingScreen"! Panel is possibly created dynamically. CCSGO_BlurTarget - Unable to find panel with the given id "eom-winner"! Panel is possibly created dynamically. CCSGO_BlurTarget - Unable to find panel with the given id "id-mainmenu-mission-card-bg"! Panel is possibly created dynamically. CCSGO_BlurTarget - Unable to find panel with the given id "id-op-mainmenu-top"! Panel is possibly created dynamically. CCSGO_BlurTarget - Unable to find panel with the given id "id-tournament-pass-status"! Panel is possibly created dynamically. CCSGO_BlurTarget - Unable to find panel with the given id "CSGOLoadingScreen"! Panel is possibly created dynamically. CCSGO_BlurTarget - Unable to find panel with the given id "CSGOLoadingScreen"! Panel is possibly created dynamically. Host_WriteConfiguration: Wrote cfg/config.cfg Host_WriteConfiguration: Wrote cfg/config.cfg **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Restart' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback' **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Back' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback' **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Pause' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback' **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Slow' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback' **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Play' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback' **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Fast' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback' **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Next' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback' ChangeGameUIState: CSGO_GAME_UI_STATE_MAINMENU CSGO_GAME_UI_STATE_LOADINGSCREEN PNG load error Interlace handling should be turned on when using png_read_image CS_App_Lifetime_Gamestats: Recording ServerBrowserFavorites Connecting to public( ... Server using 'public' lobbies, requiring pw no, lobby id ffffffffffffffff ChangeGameUIState: CSGO_GAME_UI_STATE_LOADINGSCREEN CSGO_GAME_UI_STATE_INGAME **** Unable to localize '#GenericConfirmText_Label' on panel descendant of 'MMStatus' ChangeGameUIState: CSGO_GAME_UI_STATE_INGAME CSGO_GAME_UI_STATE_MAINMENU **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Restart' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback' **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Back' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback' **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Pause' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback' **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Slow' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback' **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Play' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback' **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Fast' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback' **** Unable to localize '#DemoPlayback_Next' on panel descendant of 'HudDemoPlayback' ChangeGameUIState: CSGO_GAME_UI_STATE_MAINMENU CSGO_GAME_UI_STATE_LOADINGSCREEN Connecting to public( ... Server using 'public' lobbies, requiring pw no, lobby id ffffffffffffffff Connected to Ping measurement completed Ping location: waw=13+1,vie=58+5/23+1,fra=29+2/29+1,lux=42+4/32+1,sto=45+4/33+1,ams=38+3/34+1,sto2=40+4/35+1,par=47+4/39+1,lhr=41+4/43+1,iad=124+12/114+1,sgp=181+18/182+18,gru=214+21 RelayNetWorkStatus: avail=OK config=OK anyrelay=OK (OK) Disconnect: Zostałeś zbanowany na tym serwerze, odwiedź aby poznać szczegóły. Disconnect: Zostałeś zbanowany na tym serwerze, odwiedź aby poznać szczegóły. **** Unable to localize '#GenericConfirmText_Label' on panel descendant of 'PopupManager' ChangeGameUIState: CSGO_GAME_UI_STATE_LOADINGSCREEN CSGO_GAME_UI_STATE_MAINMENU ChangeGameUIState: CSGO_GAME_UI_STATE_MAINMENU CSGO_GAME_UI_STATE_MAINMENU ChangeGameUIState: CSGO_GAME_UI_STATE_MAINMENU CSGO_GAME_UI_STATE_MAINMENU Resource materials\panorama\images\icons\ui\globe.svg failed to load. PNG load error Interlace handling should be turned on when using png_read_image Krótki opis sytuacji*:Gram i nagle ban *pola zaznaczone gwiazdką, są to pola obowiązkowe do wypełnienia Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Kej Dzej Napisano 9 Listopada 2020 Udostępnij Napisano 9 Listopada 2020 1:42 przejazd celownikiem po graczy (może przypadek) 3:41 dziwny ten skan 4:17-4:23 przejazd i szybki strzał 5:00 czemu miałby nie wychylić z drugiej strony 5:20 dziwny(może fartowny) strzał 5:34 dziwny ten skan 5:42 dziwne te strzały 6:35 przejazd po graczy celownikiem 6:40 zatrzymanie się celownika na graczu Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Szef Terrorist Napisano 11 Listopada 2020 Szef Udostępnij Napisano 11 Listopada 2020 VAC ban na koncie od dzisiaj, brak UB. WIĘCEJ O MNIE --> TUTAJ <-- Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
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