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Zablokowane [Plugin] System Rejestracji.


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Witam, jest to plugin System Rejestracji. Po wejściu na serwer wymusza rejestracje w momencie wyboru drużyny. 

"rs_on"		- 	Is the plugin on(1) or off(0).   Default: 1
"rs_save_type"		-	Where to seve the information: to file(0) or to MySQL(1).   Default: 0
"rs_remember"		-	How to remember the players (Registrations, Punishments): by Name(0), by IP(1) or by SteamID(2).   Default: 0
"rs_password_prefix"	-	The prefix of the setinfo for the Auto Login function.   Default: _rspass
"rs_register_time"  	- 	How much time has the client to register. If is set to 0 registration is not mandatory.   Default: 0
"rs_login_time" 	- 	How much time has the client to login if is registered.   Default: 60.0
"rs_password_len"	-	What is minimum length of the password.   Default: 6
"rs_attempts"  		- 	How much attempts has the client to login if he type wrong password.   Default: 3
"rs_chngpass_times"	-	How much times can the client change his password per map.   Default: 3
"rs_register_log"	-	Is it allowed the plugin to log in file when the client is registered.   Default: 1
"rs_chngpass_log"	-	Is it allowed the plugin to log in file when the client has change his password.   Default: 1
"rs_autologin_log"	- 	Is it allowed the plugin to log in file when the client has change his Auto Login function.   Default: 1
"rs_blind"		-	Whether clients who have not Logged or who must Register be blinded.   Default: 1
"rs_commands"		-	Whether clients who have not Logged or who must Register commands' be blocked: Dissabled(0), Enabled by File or SQL table(1), Enabled for all commands(2).   Default: 1
"rs_logout"		-	What to do when client Logout - kick him from the server(0) or wait to Login during the Login time(1).   Default: 0
"rs_count"		-	Is the countig when you have to register or you have to login on(1) or off(0).   Default: 1
"rs_advert"		-	Is the advertisement for not registered players on(1) or off(0).   Default: 1
"rs_advert_int"		-	What is the interval between two advertisements in seconds.   Default: 60
"rs_ajc_team"		-	Is the Auto Join On Connect option on(1, 2, 5, 6) or off(0). 1 is Terrorists, 2 is Counter-Terrorsits, 6 Spectators, 5 Auto Assign.   Default: 0
"rs_ajc_class_t"	-	Which class the Terrorists will be (AJC must be on) - 1 is Terror, 2 is Leet, 3 is Artic, 4 is Guerilla, 5 is Auto Sellect, if it is set to 0 playes can choose which class they wiil be.   Default: 5
"rs_ajc_class_ct"	-	Which class the Counter-Terrorists will be (AJC must be on) - 1 is Urban, 2 is GSG-9, 3 is SAS, 4 is GIGN, 5 is Auto Sellect, if it is set to 0 playes can choose which class they wiil be.   Default: 5
"rs_ajc_admin"		-	Is it allowed players with defined flag (Default: ADMIN_IMMUNITY) can choose in which team will they be (AJC must be on).   Default: 1
"rs_ajc_change"		-	Is it allowed players to change their team(0) or not(1).   Default: 0
"rs_cant_login_time"	-	How much time in seconds players can't login after typing wrong passwrods.   Default: 300
"rs_cant_change_pass_time"- 	How much time in seconds players can't change their paswords after changing it before that.   Default: 300
"rs_whitelsit"		-	Whether clients, whose Names are in File or SQL table, must Register(1) or not(0).   Default: 1

1. Skompiluj plugin
2. .amxx wklej do folderu "plugins"
3. registersystem.cfg wklej do folderu "config"
4. registersystem_commands.ini wklej do folderu "config"
5. registersystem_whitelist.ini wklej do folderu "config"
6. register_system.txt wklej do folderu lang. "amxmodx>data>lang"
7. (opcjonalnie - for clean install only) regusers.ini wklej do folderu "config"
8. rshelpmotd.txt wklej do folder "cstrike"
9. Dodaj na poczatek w plugins.ini plugin .amxx
10. Ustaw registersystem.cfg i włącz serwer. Plugin automatycznie utworzy regusers.ini plik lub tabelę do bazy danych, jeśli będzie to konieczne.


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