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47 plików

  1. Trofea i Medale 3.0.0 Beta3

    Trofea i medale to najlepszy nowy sposób na przyznawanie trofeów swojej społeczności w pełnym systemie nagród! Oferuje zabawny i wciągający nowy sposób wręczania nagród („trofeów i medali”) społeczności w celu promowania pozytywnego zachowania i bardziej aktywnego uczestnictwa! Możesz przypisywać nowe trofea na podstawie warunków lub kryteriów, które zdefiniujesz, lub możesz pozwolić moderatorom ręcznie przyznawać medale w wyjątkowych okolicznościach! Trofea i medale obejmuje również zaawansowaną integrację z REST API i regułami automatyzacji wg @Kevin Carwile dzięki czemu aplikacja może zostać rozszerzona o nieograniczone możliwości. 
    Szukasz aplikacji z nagrodami, w której możesz automatycznie przyznawać nagrody, trofea i medale na podstawie postów na forum, tematów i nie tylko?
    Czy chcesz zwiększyć powtarzalne zaangażowanie, rozdając nagrody? A może walczysz o rozwój nowej społeczności?
    Czy chcesz dodać funkcje grywalizacji, aby zachęcić do pozytywnych zachowań, takich jak publikowanie wysokiej jakości?
    Szukasz innych funkcji poza tabelą wyników IPS, aby dostosować poziomy, typy i obrazy nagród?
    Czy chcesz zarabiać na swojej społeczności ($$) i dodawać funkcje bonusowe dla płacących członków?
    Szukasz dobrze obsługiwanej aplikacji stworzonej przez niezależnego programistę IPS, który z pasją uwielbia wspierać społeczność IPS?
    Zacznij tworzyć pełny system nagród z trofeami i medalami autorstwa Fosters!
    Trofea - Trofea są  przyznawane automatycznie na podstawie kryteriów. Kryteria są definiowane przez administratora w ACP . Medale - medale są  przyznawane ręcznie przez moderatorów, administratorów lub grupy, które mają odpowiednie uprawnienia. Medale są przypisywane na froncie. Aplikacja obsługuje zarówno trofea, jak i medale zarówno dla nagród automatycznych, jak i niestandardowych!   Filtry trofeów
    Kryteria galerii
    Kryteria handlowe
    Aplikacja zawiera rozszerzenia z różnymi systemami innych firm, aby umożliwić zaawansowanym administratorom i programistom maksymalne wykorzystanie możliwości aplikacji.  
    Zródło aplikacji: KLIK

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  2. Raffles System

    This application will allow members to create and manage raffles and giveaways on your board.
    Compatibility: IPS 4.3 and 4.2 only! Requirement: Commerce: THIS IS NOT AN UPGRADE of the old app (for IP.Board 3), so if you used the old app you probably still have data from the old app in your database, take a read on Manual.pdf in the zip file or request support BEFORE you install this app.  
    Each purchase entitles you to use Raffles System on one Community installation.
    Be aware that may have local laws regarding paying for the tickets unless you are registered as a non-profit organization, or have special authorization to do so. Some sites like Paypal usually shut accounts down or even can take actions against the accounts of people using their site in that manner.
    Ability to choose which type of content per category: only Raffles, only Giveaways or both Up to 100 prizes per raffle/giveaway (category setting) Restrictions members participation per raffle/giveaway by: Tickets per member (raffles only) Number of participants Content count Reputation points/likes Number of days as member Groups Multiple participants per raffle/giveaway (participants can buy more than one ticket (raffle only) to increase their odds) Unlimited categories of raffles/giveaways with permissions,  extra fields, plus unlimited depth of parent-child relationships with a lot of settings, permissions and extra fields Category Icons Integrates to Commerce, so you can choose a specific payment gateway, tax, fee and comission and use multi-currencies Ability to force users to fill the price in currencies Ability to switch between currencies with a click to display raffle prices Raffles Management on ACP: a place where admins can control status of raffles: activate raffle, change expiration date and perform mod actions like pin/unpin, lock/unlock, etc Per member settings: allows to access the app and allows to submit raffles Per group settings: allows to access the app, how many approvwd content items must have to access the app and restrict X raffles/giveaways by a period of time (day, week, month and year) Robust Admin CP Restrictions Ability to take specific actions when a member is deleted or flagged as a spammer Ability for users to report potentially offensive content using the built-in Report Center Supports item marking, allowing your users to see what adverts have been added or commented/reviewed on  
    Integrates to:
    Activity Streams Share Links Tag/Prefixs system Notifications such as new raffles/giveaways, etc Follow System for raffles/giveaways and categories Announcements Advertisements Search system ACP Live Seach (categories) Moderating system, which all commons permissions, such as pin, unpin, delete, feature, move, etc., for Raffles, Comments and Reviews Ability to create RSS feeds of all adverts More...

    1 pobranie

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  3. Feed2DB - RSS Feed to IP.Pages Database Importer

    Feed2DB by @Fosters allows you to import an RSS feed to an IP.Pages database.  Map specific fields from RSS news feeds to custom fields of an IP.Pages database, and create your own news aggregator on your website for current news, industry updates, and watchlists.  
    Add new RSS feeds Add private RSS feeds that require login information Link to "Show more" Options to Pin, Lock, Hide, and Feature the record 1-to-1 mapping to Database custom fields  
    This application requires IP.Pages.

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  4. GroupMention

    Dodaje możliwość wspomnienia grupy

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  5. iAwards

    iAwards provides administrators the ability to award their members with badges that show in their profile and, if chosen, on their posts.
    Standalone this application has the ability to manually award members and to award members based on the amount of awards the member has. You can award both from the ACP as well as from the create menu at the top of your site.
    In order to give everyone a fully customizable way to award we have integrated it with the Rules application. This gives you the power to award your members based on rules that you create instead of the ones that we think up.
    Features include:
    Choose location of awards – Under the post or under the author pane. Hide awards – To allow members to show the ones they want. Award based on number of awards. Manual awarding. Upgrade Tools for both HQ Awards and Awards (Free).
    Category and awards management.
    4.3 Compatibility release
    Fixed OutOfRangeException bug when giving award
    NEW FEATURE  Stacked awards

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  6. Advanced Tags & Prefixes

    Do you feel limited by the tag system or prefixes?
    This application enhances IPS 4's built-in tag and prefix system. It adds custom styling and fine-grained control over prefixes, plus new settings, enhancements, and helpful moderation tools. Prefixes are explicitly created through the Admin CP, and can be chosen from a separate prefix dropdown when creating a topic or other prefix-enabled content.
    Some of its features:
    Define all prefixes manually through the Prefix Manager--even for open-tag systems. Show common tags and prefixes across your site with the Tag Cloud Widget. Add, fix, merge, and remove tags and prefixes in bulk through the Tag Manager. Choose a prefix when posting any prefix-enabled content, separate from tags. Control where and how tags and prefixes are displayed. Add custom HTML formatting to your prefixes, allowing colors, images, and much more. Limit prefixes by member group and location. Require a prefix in certain forums*. Add tags and prefixes to topics in bulk with Saved Actions or the Mass-Add tool. Apply a prefix to topics imported from RSS. Set a default prefix and tags for all new topics in a forum*. Override the global tag settings by forum*. This lets you enter custom tags in some forums and not others, or change how many tags are required, or have a prefix option without any tags at all. Display topic prefixes in the page title, last post info, and as filters under each forum's description, if you want.  
    * These added settings should work for all tag-enabled content types. The focus of this application is Forums and topics, but it also supports Calendar events and any other tag-enabled content. That being said, I cannot guarantee compatibility with or support all possible applications and circumstances.
    By purchasing, you agree to the software license terms, in addition to any terms imposed by IPS or the IPS Marketplace.

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  7. MenuIcon

    Dodaje ikony do paska menu

    3 pobrania

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  8. Member Tools

    Member and Staff Tools by @Fosters is a comprehensive suite of tools designed to help enhance and add missing functionality for Users and Moderators.  Instead of a dozen small plugins, you can get one tool to handle some of the most-requested missing features of IPS 4:
    Account Deletion
    Report other members
    Approve validating members in front-end
    And much more!  Member and Staff Tools will immediately empower your members and staff to be able to manage their accounts with useful features and enhancements. 
    Staff Features
    ModCP Validating Member Approval - Your moderators will be able to manage the validating/approval waiting members on the front-end. ModCP Account Deletions - Your moderators will be able to handle deletion requests from members. Online Status - A green dot will be displayed next to a members name in topics showing his online status Banned Members - A strikethrough will cut through all names of banned members Member Features
    Account Deletion Request - Your members will be able to request to delete their account Member Report on Profile - Your members will be able to report other members directly from their profile Post Areas - A new tab on the User Profile will show how many posts the user made in each section Hide Profile to Guests - Your members will be able to hide their profile from guests for privacy If any actions are required, a new menu will appear to your moderators for quick access.

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  9. (BIM) GIPHY

    (BIM) GIPHY - ta wtyczka dodaje przycisk do edytora, dzięki czemu użytkownicy mogą znajdować i publikować wspaniałe pliki GIF z GIPHY, największej na świecie biblioteki animowanych obrazów.

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  10. Featured Content Pro

    Beautiful responsive Sliders or Gridview for IPS
    Fully responsive - will adapt to any device.
    Flexible customization for sliders: horizontal/vertical random mode, autoplay, speed, duration, button,...
    Gridview *New*
    Auto gets contents from IPS applications: Pages, Forums, Gallery, Downloads, Clubs.
    Auto gets contents from Videobox.
    Auto gets contents from RSS URL.
    Add custom contents manually, easy manage them, drag & drop to sort the contents, click to edit the title, upload image, link,
    Auto creates and saves cache for thumbnails.
    Support widgets, easy to drag and place them to your site.
    Lazyload (IPS 4.4+) *New*
    Viewing content in a popup (supports Forums, Downloads, Pages, Videobox) *New*

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  11. Trophies and Medals

    Aplikacja, która pomoże zorganizować system trofeów i medali na Twoim forum, możesz zautomatyzować wydawanie medali użytkownikom za wiadomości, pliki do pobrania i inne.

    19 pobrań

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  12. (BIM) Chatbox+

    Chatbox+ is an application that uses Ajax calls to the server to get new messages. Supports room chat, club chat and the private one-2-one chat. The chat boxes can display in widget, new page, or floating on the bottom right to allow member easy to chat with each other.
    Demo 1: Clean Text input:
    Demo 2: Full Editor:
    Demo 3: Chat bot sends message every 10 seconds:
    Global popup on bottom right:
    Admin can create multiple rooms, display rooms in widgets, or a new page. Club owner can create a room. Announcement & Rules for each room. Online Users list. Allow guest to join and chat with their custom nickname and random avatar. Show online users in the panel or popup. Global Chat:
    Show room in a a floating popup on the bottom of the pages so users can chat anywhere. Toggle show/hide the popup. Option to hide popup chat on mobile. User controls:
    On/Off sound notification. Open chat in a popup. Select skins. Moderator controls:
    Edit Announcement. User blocking system: Display moderator who blocked the user. Clean room (delete all messages). Quick edit/delete a message. System messages to notify when:
    New content posted from 3rd-party apps, supports: Forums (new topic, new reply) Downloads (new file, new comment, new review) Pages (new article, new comment, new review) Gallery (new image, new comment) Blogs (new entry, new comment) Calendar (new event, new comment) Status updates, status replies New registration. Videobox (new video, new comment, new review) Musicbox (new song, new comment) New announcement. New donation. User joined/left room. Auto Messages (Chat Bot)
    Create multiple messages with cycle time in seconds. Select a member as a Bot to post the messages automatically every X seconds. The auto messages run on client-side, will not be saved to database for the best performance and saving database.  
    Archive messages:
    Permission for who can view archive messages. Search messages by member name, guest name, content, time. Sorting messages by time, content, chatter name. Edit/Delete/Report message.  
    Tools for admin:
    Delete all system messages Delete all room's messages Delete all conversation Import messages from the Chatbox FREE Extra features:
    Supports playing a song from Musicbox Report center integration allows users to report bad massages. Auto loads old messages when scrolling down (or up). Highlight the message row if someone mentions you. Flood control, max messages, limit characters, sorting messages... Display number of online users in Chat menu. Display counter of characters when typing message. *NEW* Support IPS Link Filter for disallowed/allowed links. *NEW* Lazy load images. Fully responsive.

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  13. Donations

    About This File
    Help fund your forum with donations, setup goals and track member donations. Offer rewards for members donating.
    Keep up to date with DevFuse mod development and releases.
    Facebook Twitter Youtube Rss
    NEW Support for custom fields with donations.
    NEW UI tab and widget improvements and enhancements.
    Option to automatically demote a member back to his original member group x days after there donation.
    Option to mark goals as achieved and remove them from listing after they have reached 100% donations.
    Option to create goals that are continuous and have no set end date.
    RSS feeds for latest donations and latest goals listings.
    Ability to track the individual status of each goal as members choose to donate to there preferred goals.
    Setup fixed donation amounts a member can donate or let the member choose the amount. This includes a minimum donation amount allowed.
    Group permissions for who can view the donation tracker, view goals, view donations and for who can donate.
    All payment data is logged including successful and unsuccessful attempts on the payment function.
    New discussion topic created for each new successful donation.
    Ability to track the top donors in the view top donors page.
    Payment gateways included are: Paypal, Skrill, Payza (Alert Pay), Offline Payments and Paymentwall.
    View more screenshots -

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  14. CJ Duplicate Member Logger 1.2.0

    [EN] CJ Duplicate Member Logger
    Logs members who use multiple accounts on the same computer/browser to access your site. 
    Logs member accounts and possible alts Automatic responses (like PM/AutoBans) ACP/MCP interfaces to view and handle infringers (allows you to ban alts/main account, email, delete alts) Exclude Goups/Members (Exclude groups and Members from being logged) Exclude Members Notes (leave a note about why a member is excluded)
    NOTE: Requires min php 5.4 and IPS 4.1.4 (due to the use of traits)
    [PL] CJ Duplicate Member Logger
    Rejestruje członków korzystających z wielu kont na tym samym komputerze / przeglądarce, aby uzyskać dostęp do Twojej witryny.
    Rejestruje konta członków i możliwe alty Automatyczne odpowiedzi (takie jak PM / AutoBans) Interfejsy ACP / MCP do przeglądania i obsługi osób naruszających prawo (pozwala na banowanie alts / konta głównego, e-mail, usuwanie alts) Wyklucz Goups / Członkowie (Wyklucz grupy i członków z logowania) Wyklucz notatki członków (zostaw notatkę o tym, dlaczego członek został wykluczony) UWAGA: Wymaga min php 5.4 i IPS 4.1.4 (ze względu na użycie cech)

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  15. Szablon tabeli serwerów

    Nudziło mi się i troszkę przerobiłem tabelkę, powyżej zdjęcie może komuś się przyda

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  16. TXT & PHP Widget 1.0.1

    Ta wtyczka pozwoli ci dodać bloki Text, HTML i PHP do bloków IPS4. możesz także wyłączyć widget PHP z Admin CP

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  17. Automatyczne zamykanie tematu

    Wtyczka umożliwiająca automatyczne zamknięcie tematu po upływie dni, które sam ustalisz.
    Ustawienie prefixów tematów po zamknięciu Ustawienie po jakim czasie tematy będą zamykane

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  18. Automatyczna odpowiedź w temacie

    Wtyczka umożliwiająca ustawienie automatycznej odpowiedzi w wybranych przez ciebie działach.
    Włączenie/Wyłączenie wtyczki Możliwość ustawienia automatycznego zamykania Ustawienie autora odpowiedzi Włączenie/Wyłączenie nabijania postów w automatycznej odpowiedzi  

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  19. Minimalna długość hasła

    Wtyczka, która ustawia minimalną długość hasła podczas rejestracji użytkownika na forum

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  20. Zaawansowana stopka

    Zaawansowane ustawienia stopki umożliwiają dodawanie wielu bloków, w tym linków do społeczności, sieci, witryny, obrazy galerii, użytkowników, bloki użytkowników i wiele innych. 
    Prosta i lekka konstrukcja. 
    Stopka składa się z dwóch układów linii z kilkoma kolumnami, które mają własny projekt z różnymi opcjami, bloki stopki są w pełni konfigurowalne, zmienne i uporządkowane

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  21. Scroll To Top

    Wtyczka dodaje przycisk szybkiego przewijania na górę strony.

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  22. Adblock Detector

    Modyfikacja AdBlock Detector wyświetla komunikat, gdy użytkownik ma włączoną wtyczkę AdBlock.
    Wtyczka nie posiada wsparcia.

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  23. Automatic Post when Moving Topic

    Modyfikacja dodaje automatyczną wiadomość w poście o przeniesieniu tematu z danego działu do innego przez moderatora.

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  24. PHP & TXT Widget

    Ta wtyczka pozwoli ci dodać bloki Text, HTML i PHP do bloków IPS4. możesz także wyłączyć widget PHP w Admin Control Panel.

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  25. Kto był Online Avatary

    Wtyczka dodaje avatary zamiast nazwy użytkownika, w "Kto był online".

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