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  1. Twój nick w grze:Ceed IP osoby:VALVE_2:0:1561146154 Mapa:zm_csdevils Na kogo chcesz złożyć skargę:Administrator "HUSARZ" Opis: Gramy sobie gramy, i w pewnym momencie wchodzi sobie parę graczy którzy od strzału wpisują /donate i przelewają wszystkie Ap na gracz "ScarFace" któremu pozbyłem wcześniej Ap. Z ciekawości wpisywałem sobie "status" w konsoli a teraz zobaczcie cóż z tego wynikło. Dowody(Demko/SS'Y/wydruk z Konsoli): # name userid uniqueid frag time ping loss adr # 1 "HLTV - [Zombie Plague]" 1 HLTV hltv:0/0 delay:20 37:07:44 # 2 "GITARA SIEMA" 1877 VALVE_2:0:1615626927 0 05:46 39 0 # 3 "bartek ninja" 1871 VALVE_2:0:978208162 1 11:23 63 1 # 4 "Ceed" 1803 VALVE_0:4:533480196 62 1:00:08 40 0 # 5 "Klaudia :*" 1881 VALVE_2:0:1561146154 0 00:26 113 0 <-----------Proszę spojrzeć na IP. # 6 "ZEUS" 1861 VALVE_2:0:260506371 22 16:07 64 0 # 7 "KOKO" 1879 VALVE_2:0:198890299 1 03:34 42 0 #11 "ScarFace" 1868 VALVE_2:0:1577384850 27 13:25 74 0 #12 "(1)Player" 1866 VALVE_2:0:1693711680 0 13:37 53 0 #13 "SamFart | CSBETGO.COM" 1867 VALVE_2:0:300149925 5 13:34 95 0 #15 "SoBeK" 1869 VALVE_2:0:1817754843 0 12:05 187 0 11 users **** Zombie Plague **** [ZP] Press M to show the game menu Klaudia :* dropped Klaudia :* has left the game "sv_gravity" changed to "800" Klaudia :* : /donate [ZP] Gracz Klaudia :* przekazal 0 Ammo Packow dla (1)Player Klaudia :* : /donate [ZP] Gracz Klaudia :* przekazal 159 Ammo Packow dla ScarFace <------- Pierwszy nielegalny przelew bartek ninja : /LM k1cker dropped [ZP] Masz jakies Pomysly/Propozycje? pisz na lukaszeg connected bartek ninja : /LM *** SoBeK killed ZEUS with a headshot from infection *** k1cker connected lukaszeg is joining the Counter-Terrorist force k1cker is joining the Counter-Terrorist force *** SoBeK killed KOKO with a headshot from infection *** ] status hostname: **Zombie Plague** [*UNIKAT*|Leveling System|Zapis AP] version : 48/ 5787 secure (10) tcp/ip : map : zm_xopom_town at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z players : 12 active (23 max) # name userid uniqueid frag time ping loss adr # 1 "HLTV - [Zombie Plague]" 1 HLTV hltv:0/0 delay:20 37:08:46 # 2 "GITARA SIEMA" 1877 VALVE_2:0:1615626927 0 06:47 40 0 # 3 "bartek ninja" 1871 VALVE_2:0:978208162 1 12:25 39 0 # 4 "Ceed" 1803 VALVE_0:4:533480196 62 1:01:10 43 0 # 5 "k1cker" 1884 VALVE_2:0:760911322 0 00:13 52 0 # 6 "ZEUS" 1861 VALVE_2:0:260506371 22 17:09 63 0 # 7 "KOKO" 1879 VALVE_2:0:198890299 1 04:35 42 0 # 8 "lukaszeg" 1883 VALVE_2:0:1561146154 0 00:16 127 0 <------ Kolejna ofiara napadu #11 "ScarFace" 1868 VALVE_2:0:1577384850 27 14:27 73 0 #12 "(1)Player" 1866 VALVE_2:0:1693711680 0 14:39 57 0 #13 "SamFart | CSBETGO.COM" 1867 VALVE_2:0:300149925 5 14:35 100 0 #15 "SoBeK" 1869 VALVE_2:0:1817754843 2 13:06 176 0 12 users ZEUS dropped ZEUS has left the game ZEUS : /top15 lukaszeg dropped <-----A tu odrazu wychodzi lukaszeg has left the game bartek ninja : /LM *** KOKO killed (1)Player with a headshot from infection *** *** Ceed killed k1cker with a headshot from ak47 *** *** KOKO killed GITARA SIEMA with a headshot from infection *** BoBo connected BoBo is joining the Counter-Terrorist force BoBo dropped BoBo has left the game Wlascicielem serwera jest: [sDC]SebeK (1)Player dropped (1)Player has left the game *** k1cker killed Ceed with a headshot from infection *** Player connected ] status hostname: **Zombie Plague** [*UNIKAT*|Leveling System|Zapis AP] version : 48/ 5787 secure (10) tcp/ip : map : zm_xopom_town at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z players : 10 active (23 max) # name userid uniqueid frag time ping loss adr # 1 "HLTV - [Zombie Plague]" 1 HLTV hltv:0/0 delay:20 37:09:40 # 2 "GITARA SIEMA" 1877 VALVE_2:0:1615626927 0 07:42 40 0 # 3 "bartek ninja" 1871 VALVE_2:0:978208162 1 13:19 38 0 # 4 "Ceed" 1803 VALVE_0:4:533480196 65 1:02:04 46 0 # 5 "k1cker" 1884 VALVE_2:0:760911322 1 01:07 52 0 # 7 "KOKO" 1879 VALVE_2:0:198890299 3 05:30 41 0 #11 "ScarFace" 1868 VALVE_2:0:1577384850 27 15:21 74 0 #12 "Player" 1886 VALVE_2:0:1693711680 0 00:05 54 3 #13 "SamFart | CSBETGO.COM" 1867 VALVE_2:0:300149925 5 15:30 105 0 #15 "SoBeK" 1869 VALVE_2:0:1817754843 2 14:01 182 0 10 users Player is joining the Counter-Terrorist force [ZP] Limit zwyklego gracza wynosi: 300 AP *** GITARA SIEMA killed bartek ninja with a headshot from infection *** bartek ninja : /lm Nadszedl czas wyboru mapy... KOKO chose zm_csdevils k1cker chose zm_mini_mix "amx_nextmap" changed to "zm_csdevils" ScarFace chose zm_csdevils RedBull connected *** ScarFace killed Player with a headshot from m4a1 *** bartek ninja dropped bartek ninja has left the game SoBeK chose zm_dust$ RedBull is joining the Counter-Terrorist force bartek ninja chose zm_mini_mix SamFart | CSBETGO.COM chose zm_bunkiery Player chose zm_csdevils ScarFace killed Player with knife Wybieranie zakonczone. Nastepna mapa to zm_csdevils kuba connected RedBull : /top15 kuba is joining the Counter-Terrorist force Ceed : o Red powrocil :D RedBull dropped RedBull has left the game ScarFace killed SoBeK with m4a1 RedBull : /top15 [ZP] Limit Vip'a wynosi: 500 AP ] status hostname: **Zombie Plague** [*UNIKAT*|Leveling System|Zapis AP] version : 48/ 5787 secure (10) tcp/ip : map : zm_xopom_town at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z players : 11 active (23 max) # name userid uniqueid frag time ping loss adr # 1 "HLTV - [Zombie Plague]" 1 HLTV hltv:0/0 delay:20 37:10:59 # 2 "GITARA SIEMA" 1877 VALVE_2:0:1615626927 1 09:00 37 0 # 4 "Ceed" 1803 VALVE_0:4:533480196 65 1:03:23 51 0 # 5 "k1cker" 1884 VALVE_2:0:760911322 1 02:26 56 0 # 7 "KOKO" 1879 VALVE_2:0:198890299 3 06:48 41 0 # 8 "kuba" 1888 VALVE_2:0:1561146154 0 00:25 103 0 <-------- Kolejna ofiara napadu "HUSARZ" #11 "ScarFace" 1868 VALVE_2:0:1577384850 36 16:40 80 0 #12 "Player" 1886 VALVE_2:0:1693711680 0 01:23 55 0 #13 "SamFart | CSBETGO.COM" 1867 VALVE_2:0:300149925 5 16:48 98 0 #15 "SoBeK" 1869 VALVE_2:0:1817754843 2 15:19 264 0 11 users kuba : /donate kuba dropped kuba has left the game ZIELONY connected [ZP] Gracz kuba przekazal 20 Ammo Packow dla ScarFace ZIELONY is joining the Counter-Terrorist force ScarFace killed Player with m4a1 ] sttaus *** ScarFace killed k1cker with a headshot from m4a1 *** Unknown command: sttaus ] status hostname: **Zombie Plague** [*UNIKAT*|Leveling System|Zapis AP] version : 48/ 5787 secure (10) tcp/ip : map : zm_xopom_town at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z players : 10 active (23 max) # name userid uniqueid frag time ping loss adr # 1 "HLTV - [Zombie Plague]" 1 HLTV hltv:0/0 delay:20 37:11:12 # 2 "GITARA SIEMA" 1877 VALVE_2:0:1615626927 1 09:13 38 0 # 4 "Ceed" 1803 VALVE_0:4:533480196 65 1:03:35 50 0 # 5 "k1cker" 1884 VALVE_2:0:760911322 1 02:39 54 0 # 6 "ZIELONY" 1889 VALVE_2:0:260506371 0 00:13 57 0 # 7 "KOKO" 1879 VALVE_2:0:198890299 3 07:01 42 0 #11 "ScarFace" 1868 VALVE_2:0:1577384850 42 16:52 76 0 #12 "Player" 1886 VALVE_2:0:1693711680 0 01:36 59 0 #13 "SamFart | CSBETGO.COM" 1867 VALVE_2:0:300149925 5 17:01 76 0 #15 "SoBeK" 1869 VALVE_2:0:1817754843 2 15:32 181 0 10 users ScarFace killed KOKO with glock18 (1)Player connected "mp_timelimit" changed to "0" (1)ZIELONY connected (1)Player is joining the Counter-Terrorist force (1)ZIELONY is joining the Counter-Terrorist force Ceed : scar face nie ladnie tak z kolega podpierdalac ap :P Czas mapy juz minal, zmiana mapy na zm_csdevils po tej rundzie. (1)ZIELONY : /donate (1)ZIELONY dropped (1)ZIELONY has left the game *** KOKO killed SamFart | CSBETGO.COM with a headshot from infection *** ] status hostname: **Zombie Plague** [*UNIKAT*|Leveling System|Zapis AP] version : 48/ 5787 secure (10) tcp/ip : map : zm_xopom_town at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z players : 11 active (23 max) # name userid uniqueid frag time ping loss adr # 1 "HLTV - [Zombie Plague]" 1 HLTV hltv:0/0 delay:20 37:11:47 # 2 "GITARA SIEMA" 1877 VALVE_2:0:1615626927 1 09:48 41 0 # 3 "(1)Player" 1890 VALVE_2:0:565445971 0 00:31 86 0 # 4 "Ceed" 1803 VALVE_0:4:533480196 65 1:04:11 50 0 # 5 "k1cker" 1884 VALVE_2:0:760911322 1 03:14 53 0 # 6 "ZIELONY" 1889 VALVE_2:0:260506371 0 00:48 56 0 # 7 "KOKO" 1879 VALVE_2:0:198890299 4 07:36 43 0 #11 "ScarFace" 1868 VALVE_2:0:1577384850 45 17:28 65 0 #12 "Player" 1886 VALVE_2:0:1693711680 0 02:11 54 0 #13 "SamFart | CSBETGO.COM" 1867 VALVE_2:0:300149925 5 17:36 67 0 #15 "SoBeK" 1869 VALVE_2:0:1817754843 2 16:07 191 0 11 users [ZP] Zbinduj sobie LaserMine komenda: bind "klawisz" "+setlaser" *** ScarFace killed SoBeK with a headshot from glock18 *** ZIELONY : GITARA SIEMA *** ScarFace killed k1cker with a headshot from m4a1 *** (2)Player connected (2)Player is joining the Counter-Terrorist force ZIELONY : ELO *** ScarFace killed (1)Player with a headshot from glock18 *** (2)Player : kto sojusz *** KOKO killed ScarFace with a headshot from knife *** Wlascicielem serwera jest: [sDC]SebeK k1cker : jo "mp_timelimit" changed to "20" "mp_chattime" changed to "2" * Privileges set BUILD 5787 SERVER (0 CRC) Server # 100 Ceed connected Couldn't open file overviews/zm_csdevils.txt. Using default values for overiew mode. Couldn't open file overviews/zm_csdevils.txt. Using default values for overiew mode. "sv_gravity" changed to "400" Ceed is joining the Counter-Terrorist force KOKO is joining the Counter-Terrorist force Player connected Scoring will not start until both teams have players Scoring will not start until both teams have players SoBeK connected GITARA SIEMA connected k1cker is joining the Terrorist force ZIELONY connected SoBeK is joining the Counter-Terrorist force Player is joining the Counter-Terrorist force (1)Player connected GITARA SIEMA is joining the Counter-Terrorist force (1)Player is joining the Terrorist force ZIELONY is joining the Terrorist force ScarFace is joining the Terrorist force "sv_gravity" changed to "800" HLTV - [Zombie Plague] connected **** Zombie Plague **** HUSARZ connected bartek ninja dropped [ZP] Press M to show the game menu bartek ninja connected bartek ninja is joining the Terrorist force *** bartek ninja killed Player with a headshot from infection *** *** bartek ninja killed GITARA SIEMA with a headshot from infection *** ML_NOTFOUND: VM_ANNOUCE *** bartek ninja killed SoBeK with a headshot from infection *** HUSARZ is joining the Counter-Terrorist force *** bartek ninja killed k1cker with a headshot from infection *** (PLAYER) Ceed : husarz mam zlodzieja ap <------Zero reakcji na ta informacje z jego strony SoBeK dropped SoBeK has left the game *** ScarFace killed HUSARZ with a headshot from p90 *** OSKAR1910 connected OSKAR1910 is joining the Counter-Terrorist force OSKAR1910 dropped OSKAR1910 has left the game *** HUSARZ killed KOKO with a headshot from infection *** *** KOKO killed (1)Player with a headshot from infection *** *** KOKO killed Ceed with a headshot from infection *** [ZP] Your zombie class after the next infection will be: Fast Zombie [ZP] Health: 2400 | Speed: 325 | Gravity: 800 | Knockback: 200% [ZP] You have now 1 Knife Blinks ScarFace : /lm ] status hostname: **Zombie Plague** [*UNIKAT*|Leveling System|Zapis AP] version : 48/ 5787 secure (10) tcp/ip : map : zm_csdevils at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z players : 11 active (23 max) # name userid uniqueid frag time ping loss adr # 1 "HLTV - [Zombie Plague]" 1 HLTV hltv:0/0 delay:20 37:14:49 # 2 "GITARA SIEMA" 1896 VALVE_2:0:1615626927 0 02:08 41 0 # 3 "(1)Player" 1895 VALVE_2:0:565445971 0 02:09 120 0 # 4 "Ceed" 1803 VALVE_0:4:533480196 0 1:07:13 46 0 # 5 "k1cker" 1893 VALVE_2:0:760911322 0 02:10 54 0 # 6 "ZIELONY" 1897 VALVE_2:0:260506371 0 02:08 64 0 # 7 "KOKO" 1879 VALVE_2:0:198890299 2 10:38 44 0 # 8 "HUSARZ" 1898 VALVE_2:0:1561146154 1 01:58 117 0 <-----A tu ostateczny i raczej niepodwarzalny dowód # 9 "bartek ninja" 1900 VALVE_2:0:978208162 4 01:50 39 0 #11 "ScarFace" 1868 VALVE_2:0:1577384850 3 20:30 76 0 #12 "Player" 1894 VALVE_2:0:1693711680 0 02:10 55 0 11 users ScarFace : /lm zmen nick :D dropped *** ScarFace killed HUSARZ with a headshot from p90 *** ScarFace : /lm ScarFace : /lm Jak komuś mało tu są demka z owych map 1. -tutaj pod koniec mapy kradzież 2. - a tutaj na początku Nie wiem co o tym myślicie ale dla mnie to jest czysta kradzież jeszcze na takim stanowisku to już chyba podlega pod odebranie admina. 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