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Osiągnięcia Diuxx.


Nowy (1/25)



  1. Nick na Serwerze: Diuxx. Wiek: 19 Dlaczego Ty: Doświadczenie: Very high :) I have had admins on many different servers. I can name all of them but that would be inviting people to play there. This most likely means that i would get banned. Also i write notepad ++ codes etc. This means that i am very advanced in these kinds of situations. Another reason why me ? Because i will be 24/7 online on the server. This does show that if i want i can nolife. Therefore there will be no problems on the server. Znajomość AMXX [1-10]: I can write many kinds of codes for amxx. i can even write skrypt in python etc. This means that my amx knowledge is a 10 Ile czasu spędzasz na serwerze: I have spent no time. This is because i have just recently found the server. I will spend large amounts of time when i will be back home. Jak długo jesteś z nami: I just found out about the server today. Składka miesięczna [11.07zł] (TAK/NIE): 11 zł is like 2 british pound. I can donate up to 100 british pounds a week. 100 pounds is 530zł a week :) Link Do Game Tracker: I have no idea what this game tracker is. I have never used it Masz Steam (TAK/NIE): Yes i do have steam. Mikrofon [TAK/NIE]: Yes. It is a very good high quality microphone.
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