Informacje o pliku
Chatbox+ is an application that uses Ajax calls to the server to get new messages. Supports room chat, club chat and the private one-2-one chat. The chat boxes can display in widget, new page, or floating on the bottom right to allow member easy to chat with each other.
Demo 1: Clean Text input:
Demo 2: Full Editor:
Demo 3: Chat bot sends message every 10 seconds:
Global popup on bottom right:
- Admin can create multiple rooms, display rooms in widgets, or a new page.
- Club owner can create a room.
- Announcement & Rules for each room.
- Online Users list.
- Allow guest to join and chat with their custom nickname and random avatar.
- Show online users in the panel or popup.
Global Chat:
- Show room in a a floating popup on the bottom of the pages so users can chat anywhere.
- Toggle show/hide the popup.
- Option to hide popup chat on mobile.
User controls:
- On/Off sound notification.
- Open chat in a popup.
- Select skins.
Moderator controls:
- Edit Announcement.
- User blocking system:
- Display moderator who blocked the user.
- Clean room (delete all messages).
- Quick edit/delete a message.
System messages to notify when:
- New content posted from 3rd-party apps, supports:
- Forums (new topic, new reply)
- Downloads (new file, new comment, new review)
- Pages (new article, new comment, new review)
- Gallery (new image, new comment)
- Blogs (new entry, new comment)
- Calendar (new event, new comment)
- Status updates, status replies
- New registration.
- Videobox (new video, new comment, new review)
- Musicbox (new song, new comment)
- New announcement.
- New donation.
- User joined/left room.
Auto Messages (Chat Bot)
- Create multiple messages with cycle time in seconds.
- Select a member as a Bot to post the messages automatically every X seconds.
- The auto messages run on client-side, will not be saved to database for the best performance and saving database.
Archive messages:
- Permission for who can view archive messages.
- Search messages by member name, guest name, content, time.
- Sorting messages by time, content, chatter name.
- Edit/Delete/Report message.
Tools for admin:
- Delete all system messages
- Delete all room's messages
- Delete all conversation
- Import messages from the Chatbox FREE
Extra features:
- Supports playing a song from Musicbox
- Report center integration allows users to report bad massages.
- Auto loads old messages when scrolling down (or up).
- Highlight the message row if someone mentions you.
- Flood control, max messages, limit characters, sorting messages...
- Display number of online users in Chat menu.
- Display counter of characters when typing message. *NEW*
- Support IPS Link Filter for disallowed/allowed links. *NEW*
- Lazy load images.
- Fully responsive.